A reenactment of the events of World War II

10 clubs of Red Army reconstructors from all over the world came

At the end of August in Kent the annual military-historical festival “Military Odyssey” took place. On the 6th of August the event was phenomenal in its content and scale and gathered in one place 10 Red Army re-enactors clubs from all over the world, and severe weather conditions which tested the participants’ fighting spirit with rain, wind and fog only added to the atmosphere of realism.

The Red Army soldiers in their tent cloaks were warmed by the real field kitchen, songs of the war years and, of course, dances. There was not a lack of demonstration games – the reconstruction of military operations and staging of “Bagration” operation in the summer of 1944 – the moment of the defeat of the Nazis in Belarus and the Red Army’s entry into the Baltics.

Event organizers Sergey Savelyev and Sigita Manite have been preparing for it for two years and as a result have received the most numerous in quantity of people and military equipment event of the reconstruction of the Great Patriotic War ever held at the festival in England. According to the participants, such events are very important in order not to forget what a happiness it is to live in a time of peace and how grateful we should be to our grandfathers, honoring their feat and the memory of the fallen.